Just another day
If you have read any of my blogs you might have read about the fat man.
No longer, he is a great guy but he is some one that continously throws his toys out of his pram, no, not for me.
As a person he is great, we had great conversations mainly about computers, world wide web and new technology on the web, but as a person I employ I just couldn’t put up with the moods, which I believe that sometimes he forgot I paid him. So I am less rich for the lack of conversations and he with monies and a long term association with the company. However, he is still a great guy.
What else can I talk about? I know, what colour should I allow the wife to paint the bedroom, Grey, Lilac, and Cream. You have 7 days before the job starts. Answers on a post card…. Joke.
Great day out yesterday, walked over the moors and then on the beach. The weather yesterday was wonderful, black clouds all around us with small pockets of blue sky. Saw the most amazing fork lighting, rod with three prongs. Then sheets of rain out over the sea, my friend thought it looked like the sea was being sucked up. I tell it is great how two people can look at the same thing and describe it differently. She really expected it to rain fish at any minute, women!
Today has not been a good day at work, I got out the wrong side of the bed. I chewed everybodies head off as the day went on.
I have to take the banking to the bank on a Monday, I
I find it boring standing in a queue listening to people bitching about the length of the queue. However I have to say at my bank HSBC the service is diabolical, many a time I have been in a queue of 30 and more and waited 45mins plus just to pay in.
The queues and the bad service are only due to a re-fit 2 years ago. I must stress it is not the hard working staff; it has just been badly designed.
Here are a few things that occupy my mind for 45mins.
1 How to rob the bank
2 How many pin numbers I can memorise
3 Listen to the sells person doing there sales pitch to some poor person with no money
4 See if there is away to get in and out of the bank without the 19 camera detecting me
5 Look at the NEW flat swivel screens with all the details of the customers, see how much cash they have in their account
One day a bank girl was empting one of the machines that takes business payments out in the front. She put a large pile of payments on the floor beside the machine so she could re-programme the machine before locking it. Whoops, the re-programming did not go well, she had some sort of problem, so she leaves the money on the floor with the machine door open and goes across to the other side of the open planned area to ask some one for help, but he was busy…so she looks for some one else.. Mean while the machine payments were still on the floor.
I had about 2/3mins to walk over and help myself.
However, I am an honest person so I actually kept my eye on the whole situation, I covered the front door and the looked for the most likely person that was in the bank at the time looking for an opportunity.
I have written to the bank manager about the long queues and out of boredom I can read their customers Pin numbers due to the angle of the queue to the machines. I never got a reply.
How the hell did I get on to this subject. Yes I remember, bad day, went to the bank queued for 25 minutes only to arrive at the window without the banking. I had left it in my office. You ask how.. Well I have a special banking bag and I thought I had put it in. Red faced I was, it gave my staff a good laugh.
Keep smiling, life isn't all bad.
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